If you want to explore the city of Boston on a budget, you can find comfort in the fact that you are not alone and there are places you can visit, have fun, and enjoy the beautiful city without spending a dime. We asked locals in Boston to share some of their favorite things to do in Boston for free which they’ll heartily recommend to visitors and foreigners and this guide discusses the suggestions we gathered. 

9 Things to Do in Boston for Free

The following are some of the most recommended things to do in Boston that do not cost a dime:

  1. Get panoramic views of the city from Washington Tower in Mt. Auburn Cemetery
  2. Sit and listen to live music at the ICA
  3. Walk along The Esplanade
  4. Go mountain biking in the Stony Brook Reservation
  5. Visit the MassArt Art Museum 
  6. Onboard the USS Constitution
  7. Play with seals at the New England Aquarium 
  8. Watch Rugby at Moakley Park
  9. Rollerblade down the Charles Riverbank

Get panoramic views of the city from Washington Tower in Mt. Auburn Cemetery 

Mount Auburn Cemetery, recommended by a local Bostonian, is a hidden gem that offers not only a peaceful retreat but also breathtaking views of the city. Located atop a hill in the middle of the cemetery is Washington Tower, which provides panoramic views of Boston. Even if the tower is closed during off-hours or off-season, you can still enjoy stunning vistas of the city from the hilltop. 

While views towards the suburbs and harbor may be partially obstructed by trees when you’re on the ground, the elevated perspective from Mount Auburn Cemetery offers a unique and picturesque vantage point. Whether you’re a nature lover, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking a tranquil spot, a visit to Mount Auburn Cemetery should be on your list of free things to do in Boston.

Sit and listen to live music at the ICA 

You can head to the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) and find a spot to sit outside. Keep an eye out for days when they have live music performances outdoors. Take a seat, soak up the vibrant atmosphere, and let the music serenade you as you watch the boats gracefully glide along the water. The ICA offers a picturesque setting with its waterfront location, providing a perfect backdrop for a tranquil afternoon. 

Walk along The Esplanade

Walking along The Esplanade is a popular choice among locals and visitors alike because it provides an opportunity to connect with nature and embrace the beauty of Boston’s waterfront. The Esplanade is a picturesque park that stretches along the banks of the Charles River. This scenic pathway is perfect for a leisurely walk, no matter the season. 

If you’re looking for a relaxing getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city, The Esplanade is the perfect destination. No matter the season, you’ll be able to take in the breathtaking views of the river and enjoy the tranquil ambiance that it offers. With colorful autumn leaves, blooming spring flowers, and glistening winter snow, you’ll have a serene escape from city life. So come and watch the sailboats glide by and take a moment to unwind in this peaceful oasis.

Go mountain biking in the Stony Brook Reservation

If you love adventure and the outdoors, you must visit the Stony Brook Reservation. It is a great opportunity to explore nature and get your heart racing. Bring your mountain bike and experience an exhilarating ride through the trails of this stunning reservation. 

Although the mountain bike itself is not free, once you have one, the experience of mountain biking in the Stony Brook Reservation is completely free. You will feel an adrenaline rush as you navigate the picturesque paths, observe a variety of wildlife, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

Visit the MassArt Art Museum 

If you are someone who loves art or just appreciates the power of creativity, you must visit the MassArt Art Museum (MAAM). You can explore a diverse range of contemporary art from established and emerging artists, which makes this experience thought-provoking and enriching. With exhibits that rotate frequently, you can always expect something new and exciting to explore. 

Take this opportunity to delve into the world of art, expand your horizons, and appreciate the talent and creativity of artists from around the world. Visiting the MassArt Art Museum is a must for art lovers and anyone seeking inspiration in the heart of Boston.

Onboard the USS Constitution

For history enthusiasts and those interested in naval heritage, a visit to the USS Constitution in Charlestown is a must. The USS Constitution, also known as ‘Old Ironsides,’ is the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world. Simply bring along your government-issued ID for entry. Step aboard this living piece of history and explore the decks where sailors once served. 

Learn about the ship’s fascinating past, its role in American history, and the brave men and women who sailed on it. The USS Constitution offers a captivating glimpse into the maritime heritage of Boston and the nation. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this legendary ship, steeped in history and patriotism.

Play with seals at the New England Aquarium 

One can visit the New England Aquarium and witness the seals that often gather near the building. It is not necessary to purchase a ticket to the aquarium to partake in this activity. Observing these creatures in their natural habitat can be done by finding a location along the waterfront. These animals can be viewed as they swim, play, and sunbathe, providing a source of entertainment. This is an opportunity to witness these marine creatures up close and connect with nature.

Watch Rugby at Moakley Park

You can catch an exhilarating game of rugby at Moakley Park without paying any entrance fees. Simply find a comfortable spot along the sidelines to observe the fast-paced and physical nature of the game. You will appreciate the energy of the players and the camaraderie among teammates. Watching club rugby at Moakley Park is an excellent way to engage with the local sports scene and experience the vibrant atmosphere of a competitive match.

Rollerblade down the Charles Riverbank

If you’re someone who’s looking for an exciting and adventurous activity, you should definitely grab your rollerblades and head over to the Charles Riverbank. The smooth pathways along the river provide an ideal surface for an enjoyable rollerblading session. You can feel the wind rushing through your hair as you glide along the riverbank, taking in the scenic views and enjoying the refreshing breeze.


Exploring Boston on a budget doesn’t mean missing out on the city’s charm and vibrant offerings. Thanks to the recommendations of locals, we have discovered a wealth of things to do in Boston for free that showcase the best of what Boston has to offer. So, as you plan your next trip to Boston, remember that memorable experiences await you, even when you’re on a budget

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